Originally Posted by x4osw0n
It is known that using your existing data.img file will substantially slow down froyo. Also make sure and change /conf/eclair.user.conf to /conf/froyo.user.conf before booting. There is also a bit on the first page of the froyo post over at xda:
msmsdcc_1bit msmsdcc_fmax=14000000 msmsdcc_nopwrsave
Not sure if this solves the sdcard issue or not. (haven't tried it yet) but I can get ringtones to work through media scanning, then finding it in the music app and assigning it there (even after assigning it, you still only get 'silent' when looking for ringtones through the settings menu but they work).
Also it is very important that your sounds be only one folder deep from root (e.g. ~sdcard/tones) for the scanner to pick them up for some reason
The STARTUP.TXT addition does not fix the sdcard ringtone problem.