Originally Posted by augozageek
Thanks for your help ffkip. I'm not worried about how much storage I have. I was just wondering if my phone would be faster. I'm worried about speed. Its a good idea though, putting programs I use often on the device and stuff I don't use much on my card. I'll try that
I am sure there is some minor speed differences between card and storage, but I've never really noticed. There are a few apps that don't run correctly from SD, but those are few.
However, if you do a lot of ROM flashing (you wouldn't be here if you didn't, right?), you may want to consider Either learning how to us Sashimi or XDA_UC to auto install your cabs on each flash, and set up various reg entries,etc.
What I used to do was to have a lot of my programs already installed on the SD, and just used Sashimi to copy the .lnk (shortcut) files into the start menu directory when I flashed a new setup. This had the benefit of some programs remembering certain settings, since it wasn't actually a new install, just re-setting the shortcut.