It's been a few hours with the new rom and there are things I like and dont like after getting every back the way I like it.
A few observations so far.
MS Voice command does not close the bt audio gateway after cancelling. It does however get closed when the unit suspends or a call is ended normally. Some people may really like this because if you want to listen to music through your bt headset all you have to do is start the music, initiate a bt voice command and say cancel.. suddenly the music starts playing through bt.
So far I cannot tell when my data call is active or not. Before you had grey arrows when inactive but connected and white when there was activity. Now all I have is solid white, I hope that doesnt mean its keeping a live data connection flowing at all times as I would expect this to affect battery life. Ring through is working fine but I would still like to know when data is "flowing" and not.
No smart dial.
Overall the unit seems snappier all around. No dsod's yet and no random bt disconnects yet. These were the two issues I hated most. At this point I see no need to go back to any old rom. That is unless the always on data call is really a issue vs just bad notification.
Thanks much for all of your hard work!!
I dont get it thought.. why can one man make something like this happen yet Sprint can't get their heads out of their arses and release a rom that is ACTUALLY an improvement. I forsee a new rom from them soon... 2.2 YAY.