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Old 07-05-2010, 09:08 PM
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Re: Get droid eris on Sprint network?

Originally Posted by entropism View Post
Holy hell... OK, one more time, for those who didn't pay attention before, and this time I'll put it in big letters for you:

Sprint will NOT activate ANY device that does not have the SPRINT LOGO on it. If it did not COME FROM SPRINT, Sprint will NOT ACTIVATE IT.

You want to change your ESN to get it on the network? It's a FEDERAL OFFENSE, and yes, they do consider it serious enough to actively go after you. Oh, yeah, and it STILL WON'T WORK. Any idea why? Oh, yeah, BECAUSE IT'S NOT A SPRINT PHONE.

Sorry about the overload of capslock, folks, but I can't stress this enough here.

If you want me to spell out why, I'll be glad to, but let's stop beating this dead horse already.
Wow.. dude.. Get a girlfriend or something. While changing esn might be "frowned upon" or even terminated service.. It's only a federal crime if doing so is with the intention of cloning a phone to steal service. that's the way the law is written. No one is hurt, nor cheated, so it's not imorral. service isnt' being stolen. What's wrong with you? why do you act angry and take it personal?

It's not a sprint phone? are sprint phones magic? no they are not. are tehy both cdma? yes they are. Will sprint and verizon phones work on each others networks? YES THEY WILL and people do it. please stop speaking out of your buttox.
6700->6800->6900->TP->TP2 and now second line hero->evo
that way we dont' see old problems discussed uselessly at the beginning of
the roms thread. All the mods have to do is move the previous version
to a retired area. Is that too much to ask?
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