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Old 07-04-2010, 09:39 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.1 Custom ROM v1.6 | Eclair | *Updated | 6/30/10*

Originally Posted by griz145389 View Post
I do not have 4g in my area yet. Is there a way to see if my 4g is broken? And if so is there a way to confirm that it is ok after going through the steps to fix it?
Originally Posted by griz145389 View Post
Ok, I came up with this on my own and it satifies ME. Take it with a grain of salt.

Download an app called aLogcat from the Market.

Run it with 4G OFF. You can let it run and watch the logs or hit Menu>Pause. Either way, any lines of code you see pertaining to wimax should show error messages. Even if you dont see error messsages continue on. Press Menu>Filter and type wimax. Now exit the app.

Now turn 4G ON. Wait for the green checkmark to be there and it to say scanning (obviously it wont find anything)
Run aLogcat again. This time most if not all your code should pertain to wimax. Hopefully you don't see any error messages.
After doing whitslack's Start Over method I do not see any.
Now clear the Filter so it's blank and exit then restart the app. You should be getting error messages now.

Since it's now trying to find a 4G signal it's throwing errors. It may not matter but I'd re-boot the phone so it's not constantly searching for a signal. (It may stop on it's own but I'm just being cautious)

Please keep in mind this is a n00b attempt (at best) at error reporting.
There may be a better way but this works for me.
Hope that helps.
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