02-13-2008, 04:30 AM
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Originally Posted by Stupid Vidiot
I installed NetFront played around with it some. I am not impressed. It looks like they released it half finished. It's clunky and lacks intuitiveness. The company recommends installing to the device for stability so there goes 5 mb! I was able to get some functionality (AJAX , etc...) that IE didn't provide which is nice if I absolutely need it on the go. The iphone scroll is cool along with the birdseye zooming feature, but to be honest I won't be using this very much. After reading this thread, my hopes soared, but fell far short of my expectations.
For now, PIE with PIE+ installed over it is the very best out there in WM5 browsers. It takes time to fully implement PIE+ functionality to the fullest ( it costs money). But after while, I became a power user. So that is my review and recommendation for now.
I have not signed up for the skyfire beta yet. I am still skeptical. I am waiting to hear from users who actually have it installed on their devices, for which I have seen zero posts so far.
Opera looks interesting to. It will be a hard sell to get me away from PIE+
You should look in the huge skyfire thread then because users that have it are posting about it
Originally Posted by EtherealRemnant
You know... there's a reason its called a CONCEPT VERSION........
I'll second that