Originally Posted by ziggy471
I'll second the happy 4th to everyone, except Mike and X, you know how those Canadians are.
Just remember the quote "Some gave all, all gave some". For those of us that fit into the second part, we remember those fondly in the first part. Take a moment today to thank those that serve in the military that have given all of us the independence we enjoy.
As for the phones, we can thanks chef's like Mike and X, who have liberated our phones from the bloatware known as Standard Carrier Software. Those two may be Canadian, but hey, they've helped all of us Americans too.
Alright, back to the fun.
Matters not, American, Canadian, German, today is a great day!
And yeah, entire family (well a few siblings/cousins here and their) are military, all branches, and quite a few are present for the BBQ tonight! (or the drinking... probably more the drinking part...)