Originally Posted by Ph33zy
i love your 6.5.x ROM! It's the closest thing to MightyROM FullForce and might I even say less buggy w/updated software! I had one problem though. My device hard-resetted on it's own when I soft-reset (after a fresh task29/flash combo). Are you using the NueSpin Drivers by chance? Mike said he thinks that was the cause of the random hard resets.
I flashed this ROM yesterday and I am also getting Hard Resets after Soft Resets. This morning my alarm didnt go off on my phone because before I went to sleep I had soft reset my phone (which actually hard reset it) and woke up to my Dispatcher calling me on my work phone to see if I was going to work.
I flashed at around noon yesterday and had about three hard reset incidents. I was a little wasted before I went to sleep and didnt think about checking to see if it was working. I have been using my phone on Android all day today so I can do my work on it cause I cant trust my phone to keep itself going on WM till I reflash something else.
Previous build had no issues for me though, it was running solid but wanted to try out the lastest build. I am on WM 6.5 Sprint Version