Originally Posted by satriani
I'm trym to find a simple answer from a site that is supposed to be well informed! yet after 30 minuter I find i'm no closer to an answer than when I wasted ten minutes to registar!!!!!!!!!!!! All i want is to delete a file from my library! 1st of all the manufacturers of the htc hd-2 deneloped a computer then fergot to add the phone so it was an afterthought! It has awesome potential! but will take MONTHS to gain familiarality ! I run a 48 track didital recording studio and it is much easier to operate than this phone! but this site is a horrid example of a helping hand!!!!! period!
Uhmm I'm sorry but I'm not one for being polite to people that are extremely rude. Frankly how dare you post something like this after only spending like an hour on the site.
A 48 track digital recording studio...aka any cheap audio editing / recording program. Guy...a microwave is more complicated than a digital audio recording program.
If you're THIS frustrated with the phone already you obviously have no need for a smart phone. Return your phone, and then leave us all alone.
OR you could spend more than a HALF HOUR researching.
Do you have any specific questions about the phone? What features are you most unfamiliar with? Is it the general UI of the whole phone you don't like? Do you even know the difference between your home screen and your start menu?
Come at us with QUESTIONS...not random bitching, and you'll never have to deal with somebody like me again.
By the way, you can't type or spell for shit.