Originally Posted by spetrillo
Morning all,
Sorry I have not been around here for awhile. I have been busy with the ROMs, but also with some things going on at home. I have a final preview of v2 for you to sample, as I am very close to GA of v2. Please let me know what you think.
A previous post indicated that there might be a problem with CHT affecting overall performance of the device. I have not seen this, so cannot comment, but the question posed is whether to remove CHT and let you add it at your will via cab. Would everyone prefer this?
I for one would definitely prefer NO CHT. I love CHT -but mt device seems to overwhelmed by it. I am using a rom without it and it seems a lot snapier. But I would also add this - I will be switching back and forth between this rom and my own - so you do not have to cater to me.
thanks for considering.
Wouldn't it also be possible to simply post one with and one without?