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Old 07-03-2010, 12:24 PM
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Re: 7/2/10 V9.6.1 Sprint & All Carrier WM6.5.5 2016, CHT 1.8.5,8 Themes

Originally Posted by rebelshadow View Post
Just loaded the new all carrier up and I am still evaluating it but have to small quick opinions. one is I think the HTC Menu Enhancement in the 23123 rom was snappier and I like the task bar in the 23123 rom better too. Is there any chance we could get a cab for the task bar and or menu enhancement?
Top taskbar icon, yes. There are several version of the same taskbar on forum. I have not put mine in a cab yet.

Menu Enhancement No. I used the same ext 2014 menu enhancement in this rom V9.6.1 that I used in 9.6. I did use a differnet album in 9.6 vs 9.6.1. But you don't want that version, it does not work with mms pictures selection.
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