Originally Posted by pinkbunniz
once again +1 that is excellently put! Couldnt have said it better myself.
But sadly i dont know if you know how I should have put it to the finance dept. because they did this proration thing to me 2x this year and everytime i call i get the whole "im sorry ma'am but theres nothing i can do" BS so i got it for changing my plan and then when I upgraded to evo.
Yeah...I see your fustration. Problem with Sprints logic is...when you upgrade equipment...it should never mess with your bill..other than maybe a activation charge. Your not starting up service for the first time, your not changing your price plan...all your doing is extending your contract date 2 years from the day you purchased the Evo. That is no way should pro-rate your bill in any way. The only time you should have proration is if your starting up a line, changing a price plan...or suspending your service. There are a few others, but extending your contract is not one of them.
Question for you though? Where you on a older price plan when you decided to get the Evo? 9/10 times some people are on 2-4 year old price plans...and when you purchased the Evo you were "required" to change your plan to compinsate for the data package etc. This may or may not be the case. If it is, then I can see why you were prorated...since you had to change your price plan, it started to bill you from that day till your bill cycle end date, then a month in advance. If not...something is wrong. Sadly, most Rep's don't inform the customer of the changes they made on there account...and in the end when you recieve the bill you are totally suprised about it. I've always been one to tell the customer what they were on vs what they are on now...and how it may impact their bill...that is before I submit it. Doing that builds customer repore and makes you a happy user...instead of a pissed off one. Just a word of advice...from here on out....if you are one that doesn't go over your minutes....if you feel you want to change your price plan...call them up...and tell them you want to change your priceplan at the beginning of your bill cycle...in Carrier terms this is called futuredating...they are able to do it...that way the day after your bill cycle ends (say the 20th) the 21st the new price plan will go into effect....in return..no proration charges..no fees to worry about. Sometimes if your close enough to your bill cycle, like a few days aftere it...they are able to back date it...but very rarly they will.
I figured I would pass this along. I will ask around and see if the Proration is true when you upgrade to a new device. I highly doubt it is..since there is no price plan change...just extension of contract from that said day...
Hope that clarified that a bit.