07-02-2010, 10:40 PM
PPCGeeks Regular
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Re: 7/2/10 V9.6.1 Sprint & All Carrier WM6.5.5 2016, CHT 1.8.5,8 Themes
Originally Posted by D-nice
Jstine, as always want to thank you for all of your magnificent work and your unwavering dedication to bringing the best experience to us all here on the forum so we can enjoy the best performance and usage that our phones are truly capable of, something that the carriers are unwilling to do. You also take the time to answer our questions or give special cabs to offset to one's personal request. And you do it all without so much as asking for a dime in return. Even if you did it would be more than worth what you ask. I would glady pay what you ask in return for the experience that I get with my phone via your roms. Since downloading roms for the first time in Feb or March 2010 (exclusively yours only) I never want to use a stock rom ever again, thanks to you. My eternal thanks to you and your work, truly a must have! Thank you!
Well said... I will have to add a 4th to what said above!!!!!!