Originally Posted by BlacknWild
Heres my question... I did an Internet sharing connection with my Vogue, which I flashed to the Cricket Big Button Rom.. Now my PC says Im connected at 10Mbps,(Is that a good speed) but when I open up Internet Explorer I get a "No page can be displayed " error.. as if Im not connected.. On pc, in Internet connections it says Im connected to Cricket. but with IE and Google chrome no page will display. Now am I doing something wrong? I am connected. Something I need to edit on PC? If possible, is there a way I can tether my HTC Vogue? Rather put it in DUN mode to use it as a dial modem? Found a couple programs that could do it, just wasnt for Windows 6.5.. Any help would be greatly appreciated & Thanks in Advance..
You need to configure your browser to work using crickets proxy.
in the network/connection/setting
manuial proxy
[https] wap.mycricket.com port 8080
At least that the setting for Firefox.
the proxy info will be the same in all browsers.
There are programs like PDAnet that will also work, but you might still need to configure the browser.