Originally Posted by jparks29
I have SERO, it's 'bundled'...I'm paying for the service. When I bought my phone, I was told I could send MMS, WTF is a camera doing in a phone if you can't send pics from it? (I know, email/file transfer, but still)
Lol I agree with that. Why put a camera on a phone without being able to share/send them with ease? That doesn't make much sense. The email workaround isn't an easy way. I mean, who knows ALL of their contacts' carriers? I meet new people all the time meaning new numbers all the time and I never think to ask "Oh yea, who's your carrier? Just in case I need to send u a picture" If it wasn't that hard to be sent thru Arcsoft, it shouldn't be too hard for sprint to have a program etc to send pics