Originally Posted by kgb247
i am and you didnt haven't responded, so i guess you are not valid
Originally Posted by bsarlo
You are in the wrong thread. NajaDuck has more validity in his ESC key than you have in this thread. Watch who you insult because this is a pretty close community. People are glad to help, but not rude, ungrateful posters who ask irrelevant, off-topic questions in the wrong threads. Since you have posted nothing of use to anyone at PPCGeeks, other than holding the door and saying hello, I'd refrain from insulting the members who could actually be helpful to you.
Easy guys. I do not take it too seriously. We are all here to help each other if possible and push the limits of our devices.
I thought I had helped you by pointing you to the XDA_UC thread (also supports UC). As far as the information being murky, I am not sure I can add any more clarity as the thread is written by the creator and I am also not a ROM chef.
Sorry I could not be of more assistance.