Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1
yaaaa a settings icon, myphone is old version btw, it updates ota but its needed to sync. heres the latest. hmm, this new one has locate phone if missing/share photos and lock/erase lost phone. sweet update
ya i used the one that come with the sys build... i'll update to the one you attached
Originally Posted by drizztzou
Very good rom so far, could you provide a cab to change blue manila weather back to normal?
are you referring to the earth?
Originally Posted by mao511
Is anyone else missing youtube?
the shortcut failed to load.. you tube is in the ROM and its actually the newest build... i'll fix it shortly.... may just provide a cab to apply the shortcut for a temporary measure.... sorry failed to realise it didnt load
Originally Posted by proxhack
Usually first rom releases are for the most part full of bugs etc...
I hate bugs, kinda take offense to having them in roms i release, so I try real hard not to have any or atleast have very few .... so thx for the comment