07-02-2010, 10:21 AM
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Re: Sounds/Alerts not playing
Originally Posted by weinberk
I'm still on the 6-9 rom and eagerly awaiting the next release.
I had posted a while back about the problem with sounds/alerts not playing. I don't believe that I got a reply, but if I did, I missed it.
The tone that I have set for my ringtone is a wma file. It generally doesn't sound when my phone rings, but this same wma file didn't have trouble before the 6-9 release, nor did it with any other rom that I've tried. It doesn't matter what wma file I select, it's a no go. Only .wav plays consistently.
This morning, I was shocked to hear my phone actually RING. What a sweet sound. I hadn't changed any settings.
After the call, I saw the message:
MaxSense.mscr (in title bar)
Cannot open 'MaxSense'. A critical component is either missing or cannot start because program memory is unavailable.'
Could it be that it was maxsense, when running properly, that was stopping the sounds from playing, and now because MaxSense couldn't run (out of memory I guess), that the sound was finally able to play?
Was this addressed in 6-25?
Of course it was, it was the biggest fix from the 9th to the 25th. You need to update badly. Or wait a day or so for the next release, you should follow big on twitter to know when the newest roms drop and then come and check the change log for the fixes.