The Rom is WWE_2.07.841.2, date 30/3/2009.
Model: Touch Diamond, platform: PocketPC, WM6.1
I downloaded the Diamond Tweak, change the SIP so XT9 is disabled. Soft-reset. Nothing changes.
I have done this: - still the same. There is not compime.dll in my windows folder.
So I download the compime.dll from
Run the compime.dll cab to install it (however it's for Xperia, don't think it's the appropriate one), and follow instruction of tatarasi in - still the same.
I tried:
1 - disabling T9 in Diamond Tweak would be the first thing to check
2 - if that was disabled, but still there is a problem present, check the registry here:
(i) HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Layouts\e001 0409
- Layout Text should be "eT9 IME" (might have changed to = COMP IME )
- Ime File to "\windows\eT9ime.dll" (might have changed to = / windows/ compime.dll) – that’s why the problem there.
(ii) HKCR\CLSID\{73AB106C-A726-484b-B610-BE3E1CF39821}
(Default) = "XT9"
After all this, The Keypad and the compact QWERTY still output numbers, no matter ABC or T9 has been selected.
Can anyone help me?
Thank you.