Re: LMFAO - iphone showdown
Apple is going to court after they knowingly sold defective devices. It`s funny to see all of the village idiots come out to spend hours in line only to get a defective Iphone.... Did any of them ever hear that it is usually better to wait until the bugs have all been worked out before buying something brand new. First of all, you normally get a better deal on buying something later. There are better things to do then spend hours in line for device that is supposed to make your life easier. Spending hours in line does not equal making things easier.
The funniest was the response to antenna issues from Apple: " You are holding it wrong"
I guess somebody forgot to stop taking the stupid pills that day. Oh well, what do I know? I don't care, that video does correctly reflect the personalities of most of the people in line for an iphone on the release date. And yes, it is funny.