Originally Posted by maisonpulaski
So - for those of you that are using an Imagio kitchen - I thought maybe I could (and anyone else) look for some help here. I am a total noob to kitchen stuff. What I am wondering - now that I have a kitchen - how do you keep it up to date? I see some guys are using components from 2013, 2014, 2015 - where do you even find that stuff and then how do you stick it in your kitchen and make it usable.
Just an easy starter question 
Well for starters here are some good reading materials to help you learn:
HTC packages and their functions and dependancies.
A few threads and places to find the latest shipped/leaked roms to dump.
http://www.mobileunderground.info/showthread.php?t=94 &
Use of Visual Kitchen
And without needing a translator new SYS's
A few extra invaluable tools
Beyond Compare for side by side comparison of ext pkgs and sys to older ones
Dumpsorter to save much time in getting a new SYS in proper VK format
Asking about the newer packages newer doesn't always equal better. Its a lot of trial and error. Sometimes newer packages have different dependancies and don't work with some older stuff and many times nothing noticable changed at all. While some won't agree I feel if it works well leave it alone. Blindly updating packages just b/c they are newer build version is a good way to introduce bugs and instabilities for an aspiring chef.