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Old 07-01-2010, 05:28 PM
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Re: for those returning the Evo to RS and pre-ordered

yeah I know but I was refusing to have to deal with $100 on a GC at a high priced store where I never shop for anything more than occasional heat shrink and electrical components.

I agree they didnt want an upset customer and thats cool also. But maybe if someone else is in the situation and they press hard enough then they could do it too.

I might have been ok if I had ordered ONE Evo and only had ONE $50 GC but not $100. That was just TOO much money for me to lose.

But I do chalk this up as a lesson learned. I promise to do no more business with RS than I normally do, which is very little.

Nothing wrong with them or their store, they are just priced too high for the things i would normally buy.
Loving my rooted Droid X
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