Ok this is just my story today nothing too exciting or groundbreaking but worked for me so thought I would share... I had to exchange my EVO today so when the Sprint rep turned on my new EVO it did its initial startup and prl update then went to the Google account screen at which point I immediately said let me enter my info.. Once I was handed the EVO I was not giving it back no matter what and was always watching for the update box.. after entering my Gmail and skipping the facebook/twitter setups the Rep. asked for the phone back to "finish setting it up" to which I delayed and said just a min I'am checking it out I wanna see my contacts..blah..blah.. I continued to delay and clicked a contact to call listened to ring or 2 and hung up the rep was eying me but i just continued to hold onto it.. then the 1.47 OTA update box popped up I declined quickly and said anything else you need me for it appears to be working fine and I need to get going.. he then said he should check for updates and do a test call and I said my lunch break was ending I needed to go I would do that myself later and I was on my way out New EVO and no OTA.. Time to root this guy
wish you all the same luck till the 1.47 is rooted