Originally Posted by ChrisH09
I personally think the $30 is a fair price to pay to be able to share your 3G/4G on your Evo. If you were to buy any other mobile broadband Item from Sprint (Overdrive, USB 4G card) you will be paying a minimum of $60 a month for the service. With the Evo you would be paying $10 for the 4G on the phone, and $30 for the 8 device Mobile Hotspot which = out to $40...$20 savings there. Depending of what kind of discount you get...(I have 27%) would bring that down to $29.20...that's not a bad deal. I know there are ways around having to pay for that...but just think...your in a 4G area...you have friends that wish they could get on the internet with their phone...or your on a trip driving down the road and you wife or gf want to get on the internet...wham you have wireless internet for them..
Either way...It's still a better deal than any other cell carrier out there...heck...Verizon is capped...AT&T is capped...T-Mobile I have not clue...but Sprint isn't...so take it while you can....
We already pay for unlimited data, and then a $10 premium fee on top of that. Who gets the data, from time to time, is not an issue, any more than letting someone else use your phone to make a phone call. Should we pay extra if we are going to let someone who doesn't have a cell phone use our cell phone to make a call?