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Old 07-01-2010, 02:07 AM
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Re: Two versions of Evos {Updated Results}

Originally Posted by linzgeneral View Post
I don't want to say people are imagining things but my eyesight is pretty good and I was shocked to see how much brighter and clearer my Epson was.
I just went to the eye dr today and she told me that my eye sight actually improved from last time! So I'll be the judge of what looks better!

All kidding aside, I'm sure there is a difference. As someone else pointed out, the oo2 screen looked warmer and the oo3 screen looked cooler. Just changing the default settings on your monitor can show you what a major difference that 1 setting (from warm to cool) can make.

Also, like someone else said, just enjoy what you have! If you look for it, you'll find it. Just like with the TP, everyone had SO many issues that "their phones were unusable." But I still have my first original TP and it has 1 real problem, other than that it's just a phone that is limited by CPU. It's keyboard is the BEST btw
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