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Old 06-30-2010, 04:33 PM
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Re: THATS IT! someone PLEASE help me unlock my TP2, losing sleep over this!

I am having trouble too (alot!), and getting an error consistently that says:

"Please make sure the device is properly synced; Please retry after syncing the device (via Activesync or Windows Mobile Device Center)"

Just so you know, I have read all the posts in the various threads. I have tried all the different troubleshooting except going to a different computer or internet connection and I haven't tried a different USB cord. I don't have a different USB cord, or computer or internet conection.

.disabled antivirus and Avast's On-Access Protection (0 of 7 processes running)
.turned off Windows Firewall
.Run as Administrator
.added DEP exception & restared PC
.good Activesync connection (synced)
.downloaded and extracted the file while all the antivirus and On-Access Protection was already off
.Using correct HSPL file
.tried SSPL - phone freezes
.opened a ticket, no response yet
.installed enablerapinaw (nothing)
.tried down-volume & power to put phone into bootloader...nothing.
.used Auto and Manual Flash - Auto gives the above error. Manual gives 202 error
.even installed .net 3.5 framework on my computer because someone said that was needed, nothing, though computer seems slower now...

*I like how people "in the know" say, if you donate, then it works immediately. That has not happened for me at all.

*The videos don't help because they show a smooth process. No videos I have seen show you what to do in case of the various errors. i.e. 202, 246, 260, 262.

I am not a newbie when it comes to messing with phones and I know computers quite well. I am a NOVICE when it comes to trying to Flash a ROM other than stock.

I have been at this for about 4 days now. Very frustrating...

any other ideas?
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