Ok, just got the Hero a week ago and loving most of it. That is, this phone is great for everything but making phone calls. Hmmmm....
Anyways, here is my problem. If I make a phone call, then hang up it seems the phone goes into a serious lag mode for the next few minutes. Like it can't seem to recover or something.
Example, I call my friend, talk a minute or 2 and hang up, then go to call my boss, so I start dialing the number and nothing happens for a few seconds, then it sloowwwly catches up, but when I hit "send", it just sits there another few seconds, and either 1) dials the number, 2) goes back to the dial pad screen 3) dials another number totally unrelated, except that they both have a few of the same letters in the contact name.
So, I hit "home" and try to open up Google maps. or whatever, and you can see the icon "light up" but nothing happens, have to hit it 2-3 times before it finally opens.
Anyways, seems that the phone is locking up the phone.
Other than that seems to be no serious lag, no worse than the TP2 I came from. But, I'm sold on Android now and could never go back.
Any ideas anyone?