Originally Posted by Timberwolf671
Please tell me what this did at one time before V9.6 so I can begin to fix the problem without flashing back to V9.5.
What I believe sunstopper is talking about is this the screen capture doesn't load and assign itself to the quicklink.
Look at the ppc quicklink and facebook. When you open up the internet tab and select a favorite after you load the page and exit opera it should save a picture so when you move to the internet tab again you will see a screen capture.
First set the internet favorite in your internet tab quicklink. Let it make a screen capture for the internet tab/quicklink then assign the CHT quicklink see if it loads then.
Does that work?
EDIT: Just read your post where you did this.
As for my findings.
First I set it as a quicklink in the internet tab. It created the screen captures. Then I hit the CHT quicklink. It shows.
Went to the internet tab removed the quicklinks and SR. Then I went to CHT quicklinks and the shortcuts still show.
I just created a shortcut that I never opened under the internet tab and used CHT bookmark accessed the site and it created a screen capture by itself.
So it works on V9.5