Originally Posted by birddseedd
problem is one thing i do is i close a job on a website and at one point it has to wait for data from the server. during this time i program my gps. if the browser is frozen it wont get that data and i would have to start over, and might even get logged out. so there really is no multitasking since i would have finish what im doing in one app then switch to another app.
they've already stated some apps will run in the background, i would assume if the browser is still running it would be one to be left uninterrupted, although yes that's an assumption so we'll have to wait til september to see
Originally Posted by birddseedd
apple tried this and got alot of flack because they did not have the feature. why is microsoft making the same mistake.
for work every day i have to copy random text to notepad. its not going to reconize random text as something to port to another app. even in this post im copying random text even within this one field. if i couldent i would just wait till i had a pc to post this, thus no copy paste i lose compleete functionality of my pda.
apple proved people want full copy paste. microsoft is making a huge mistake here.
MS realizes the mistakes Apple made, when the first iPhone launched copy/paste was one of the first things that was called out on it. MS is probably doing it because they think they can do it better/right and i understand that youre copying random bits of data from the browser and you're concerned the OS might not know what to do with it but what it comes down to is MS has said virtually nothing about how this alternate copy/paste works so we should probably wait to see it before we demonize it
Originally Posted by birddseedd
read it on the site microsoft made for windows 7. edit:forum site they made, wasent written by microsoft, but i think the idea is to "push" all of your data, like exchange does. Great idea, but i dont see pushing 20 gigs of mp3's. they said it wont have an expansion card either, same as iphone.
Originally Posted by birddseedd
wasent written by microsoft
yeah push "data" and when MS says "data" they're not usually referring to Media such as music and photos. now they may not be concerned with pictures because the phone is designed to aggregate everything anyway but again I'll point to the Zune HD because they literally took the HD's software and dropped it into WP7 to handle the media player. the zune has the ability to sync over wifi but still has usb functionality because MS would understand that people have large music collections they'd want to take with them, especially with a Zune pass people have as much music as they want, there's no way they'd restrict you to using 54Mbps wifi to move everything that'd take way to long, and for once MS is focusing on customer experience not just function so I doubt they're dropping USB Sync/Mass Storage functionality
As for fixed memory, its unfortunate, I'd prefer expandable memory but I have to admit, it is easier to manage just system memory than it is system/expandable
Originally Posted by birddseedd
what this means is if anyone uses more than just a couple apps, they will always be scrolling. i use several apps, most at the same time, i customized what i have on my start menu and can see all of my most used apps on one screen. this will be imposible with wp7.
I'll have to see if the emulator will let me confirm this or not but I thought you could put a tile for any app you want on the home screen so if its just 5 or 6 apps you use constantly you can stick them on the home screen and arrange them however you want, I'd put them at the bottom so all you have to do is a quick down gesture on the home screen and they're all there
Originally Posted by birddseedd
oh, and with multitasking my tp2 will attempt to detect if i am having a seizure and txt my wife with my gps location. without multitasking this feature is impossible.
MS stated that developers can request an exemption from the freeze out rule and for something that important I'm sure it'd win approval almost immediately, if not I hope that whoever develops your software can find a way around it (with the push notifications?)
and either way MS has to design with max performance for the mass market and "freeze multitasking" is the best way to ensure performance and function as the mass market isn't use to and doesn't want to deal with task managers (yes i know task managers are popular on Android but most users don't use them until theres a serious problem).
MS can't design with every contingency in mind and I'm sorry there's potential for WP7 not to meet your specific needs, but you can't really fault MS for designing it the way they did