Originally Posted by jbearamus
multitasks just as much as the iphone and android. it doesn't necessarily run everything all at once (although same apps will run in the background uninterrupted) but if you leave an app without actually closing it the phone "freezes" the app in its exact position to pick up where you left it
problem is one thing i do is i close a job on a website and at one point it has to wait for data from the server. during this time i program my gps. if the browser is frozen it wont get that data and i would have to start over, and might even get logged out. so there really is no multitasking since i would have finish what im doing in one app then switch to another app.
Originally Posted by jbearamus
microsoft actually said they left it out because they're trying to make the OS smart enough to not need it. for example if you were to copy/paste an address from the browser to maps/navigation you'd just have to tap the address and the OS would know what you want to do with it. that may be a situational menu where it wants to know if youre navigating or just saving the information but the idea is to eliminate the need for copy/paste
and they've implied they have true copy/paste on standby just in case their experiment doesn't work
apple tried this and got alot of flack because they did not have the feature. why is microsoft making the same mistake.
for work every day i have to copy random text to notepad. its not going to reconize random text as something to port to another app. even in this post im copying random text even within this one field. if i couldent i would just wait till i had a pc to post this, thus no copy paste i lose compleete functionality of my pda.
apple proved people want full copy paste. microsoft is making a huge mistake here.
Originally Posted by jbearamus
i haven't seen anything about that claim, do you have a source? and it doesn't really make sense to eliminate a pc connection because some people still plug in to sync with the pc, however the Zune HD can sync over wifi and they may have carried that function over to WP7.
but they have to charge the phone somewhere and since the new standard is microusb we could assume that WP7 phones will have that port and at that point its only a matter of driver to make it sync to a pc so why wouldn't they just put them in
read it on the site microsoft made for windows 7. edit:forum site they made, wasent written by microsoft, but i think the idea is to "push" all of your data, like exchange does. Great idea, but i dont see pushing 20 gigs of mp3's. they said it wont have an expansion card either, same as iphone.
Originally Posted by jbearamus
as for the original question, yes for the moment you have the home screen of tiles on the left then you can "slide" right and there is a single column list of the installed apps that are not otherwise associated with a system hub. i can post a screen shot of the emulator MS released if everyone is that interested
what this means is if anyone uses more than just a couple apps, they will always be scrolling. i use several apps, most at the same time, i customized what i have on my start menu and can see all of my most used apps on one screen. this will be imposible with wp7.
oh, and with multitasking my tp2 will attempt to detect if i am having a seizure and txt my wife with my gps location. without multitasking this feature is impossible.