Originally Posted by lnando84
I sure can.. Glad to hear you like them. I made it based off the sprint stock dialpad and I'm not sure if its they're same size as the verizon dialpad. user quickdraw62 is also on verizon and installed my Cowboys dialer but found it to be "a tad small.". Do me a favor (so that I know the dimensions of the verizon dialpad), before installing the dialpad go into your windows folder & copy any of the following images and upload/attach it for me: Assets_dialer_Normal, Assets_dialer_Pressed, Dialer_Normal_L, & Dialer_pressed_L. If it does turn out to be different I'll remake the cab with the right dimensions
Edit: I now have the correct dimensions of the images thanks to quickdraw62. I remade the bulldogs dialer cab to work with verizon rom
Thanks man, you're awesome.