Originally Posted by gabbythe1
Thanks alot dude!
No problem Bro....there's enough Dinik in that link for you to go Anastasia crazy! I'm interested in which ones you use!
Originally Posted by daytona283
I am having an issue with 6-28 Pluto. The same was happening on 6-19. 9 out of 10 times when I attempt to answer a call the phone will lock. I have all cookie locks turned off and have installed Vin's CHT_lockscreen_Patch. Any ideas as to what I should try?
Don't know why it locks on you....I also have cookie lock screen turned off, but I'm not using Vin's patch....no issues here.
Is there anything else you have installed that could possibly cause this? If you have cookie lock screen turned off (double check), you shouldn't need the patch.