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Old 06-29-2010, 03:24 PM
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Re: New battery trick said to "double battery life" from HTC themselves..

Originally Posted by jtaylor13 View Post
Why do we as customers allow this battery scam to go on? All companies have a deal to make 1500mah or less batteries.It is to keep the unlimited users off the network at least sometimes.If we all had 3500mah batteries we would never get off the networks.It helps these carriers from building better networks.
You can easily just leave your phone plugged in. The reality is that phone technology has far out paced battery technology. If the evo came with a 3500mah battery most would not have bought it simply because of how thick it would be. And even if a 3500mah battery was the norm, people would still be complaing about battery life even if it lasted for days. Some body would make a thread asking why can't these phones come with a 7000mah battery so I can use it non stop for two weeks. You can't make everyone happy all the time so you do whats good for business.

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