Originally Posted by Drewman247
You have to edit a file. Its name is HH_0409_weather i believe. Once you add in the city in the same format that the others are in you might be able to pull up your info. Not all cities are avialable. It seems to only be the big ones.
No don't do that. It would work but why? You would have to open it with notepad and all that jazz. I take it from this being your first post you would not want to do that.
Just find the HTC home customizer.. *Edit* -Here is a Rar I posted in another thread with the 6 tab home plugin and the one you need the HTC customizer..
#0 Install the customizer..
#1 Open the Customizer and select Weather Options-Choose Weather Database..And pick Custom.Ok...
#2 Select add city to Custom Database-(your town name)-Location Code is your ZIp Code (18224) Then Country is (us).....
#3 Set as Default (yes).....
This subject has been covered in every phone thread and even off topic I'm sure. Welcome to PPC Geeks. Make sure you search for your answers first.