There is definitely some sort of glitch here. After my emailing failing the other day I've been playing with it to try to figure out what the deal is and have made a little progress. At the advice of this thread I began fiddling with the emails checked and both HTML vs Plain text downloading.
One of my IMAP accounts started downloading only the headers so I went through the config because for some reason it had gone blank (perhaps because of it being restored from an SPBBackup?) and then it functioned properly. At the same time my other IMAP account had failed entirely which is the one focused here.
I have found that I can manually download all messages in plain text or today's messages in HTML. I thought that perhaps there was a "bad" email that was causing the bug so deleted some suspect email -- but to no avail.
I then turned on automatically checking for email which seems to work. I'm not sure what the real issue is here..