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Old 06-29-2010, 11:26 AM
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Disable Auto Rotate

I have been searching all the threads and so far haven't been able to find my problem. My phone holster is sideways (Horizontal). When someone calls and I try to grab my phone it rotates the screen to Landscape but by that time I have it in Portrait so it switches back to Portrait. The problem is that it is so sluggish that by the time it auto rotates back to Portrait and I slide to answer the call is gone. I just want to stop the auto rotate so that I can pull it out of my pockets and it's always in portrate. I have seen lots of comments about turning auto rotate off in the G-Sensor menu of the HTC menu but I don't have a G-Sensor menu in the HTC settings. Perhaps there an Advanced Configuration program for the TP2 that will allow me to easily do this?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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