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Old 06-28-2010, 10:43 PM
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Re: ROMs and Kernels for the Inc

i was actually just gonna make a thread for this site today, haha. seems to be the only collection of roms. however xda seems to be the place for kernels and themeing.

just to clarify, kernels are not a full rom flash. i guess you could think of it as the "core" (maybe) of android. by updating you kernel to custom ones that people have created, you can obtain wireless n, under volted/overclocked cpu settings, and much more. i know that for the n1, they had an increased memory kernel that took advantage of their 512mb. that is what i am really waiting for, that or 2.2.

i have flashed to the updated unrevolved rom. it seemed about as stripped down and close to stock android as you could get. however i am flashing back to my backup just for tonight as i rely on my phone as an alarm, and well i tried using the htc clock app in the unrevolved rom, the alarm went off but had no way of turning it off (i am guessing since the htc lock screen is gone). anywho, tomorrow i will downgrade and go buy a dedicated physical alarm clock, and flash back to unrevolved. the only thing keeping me from trying jager's is i dislike the sense lock screen, which he has on both his roms.

anywho, the unrevolved rom is nice, clean, and seemed very snappy. su, dev tools, and wifi tether were present form the get go. tomorrow when i flash back i will report some more. i don't use facebook, twitter or any of that social integration stuff, so i won't be able to report on that, but i will let everyone know if i run into bugs.

very tempted to learn about kitchens for android now, haha. winmo i never ran a pre made rom, always had to do my own. and i am gettin that itch again, just wish it wasn't a whole new process...

p.s. - be sure to install the from the unrevolved page if you want the stock google apps. also the pre loaded shortcuts didn't work on the screen, maybe because i didn't initially install the so i installed that, cleared the shortcuts and added them again, and they worked

Last edited by MrGoodCat; 06-28-2010 at 10:48 PM.
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