Major bug after update. Affects all programs.
So I completed the long process of the update this morning.
All seemed fine and well. Updated a few widgits that were busted, no biggie.
Now about 6 times now while using it, regardless of the app, I lose complete control of the phone.
The screen does not respond, the bottom keys do not respond. It literally starts to randomly click open and what not. Its like it thinks I'm touching the screen randomly all over the place.
I cannot explain this other than its like ghost in the screen. It just wont let me do anything.
The only resolution is to hit the power button, turn the screen back on, and slide the unlock. Sometimes this fixes it, sometimes it takes 2 or 3 attemps at this. But it does eventually go away.
Places this has happened in:
Dolphin HD
Manage Applications
I've tried reinstalling Tapatalk and Dolphin, neither resolve it.
I do have SWYPE installed, so thats my next guess to unistall and see if it continues.
Its ruining my phone overall though, totally strange.