Originally Posted by Old_Man_Jenkins
actually I believe there is a way to stop the customization.....mrgeoff, shared his registry tweaks OEM, and I believe there was a setting in there that would stop the customization......I had taken out that reg setting, to let the customization run....some ppl wanted the sprint crap.....I am taking the sprint crap out of my new build.....correct me if I'm wrong mrgeoff.
um, I really don't know because I do not use the touch keyboard, I'm using TouchPal.....I did have 2 keyboard OEM's, touch & vogue, I'm removing the vogue.
Yeah, I had a whole section in my regedits that actually stopped the whole calibration, timezone, and ext rom nonsense. I think there was a couple of regedits that need to take place to turn off the customizations. I'll have to look it up this evening, or you might want to take a look at my original RGU
I have also been having a real blast trying to figure out the issue with the touch keyboard myself. It loves to mess up within IE. I have tried using two different packages and trying to build my own package. I wish I could get it to work in my rom.