Originally Posted by DssHobby
Ok I spoke to soon... Other problems... Below are my results:
First Slab
Mail - Works (Launches Messaging App)
Internet Explorer - Works (Launches IE)
Calendar - Works (Launches Calendar)
SMS - Works (Launches Text Messagin App)
Settings - Doesn't Work* (Get error listed below)
Instant Messaging (OZ) - Doesn't Work* (Get error listed below)
File Explorer - Works (Launches File Explorer)
Photo Album - Doesn't Work* (Get error listed below)
Second Slab
Word Mobile - Works (Launches Word)
PowerPoint Mobile - Works (Launches PowerPoint Mobile file directory)
Excel Mobile - Works (Launches Excel)
Tasks - Works (Launches Task Manger)
Google Maps - Doesn't work* (Get error listed below) (Google maps was installed directly from Google Cab to device (Not Storage Card) and also tried installing the version on the EXTRACABS.zip file)
Calculator - Works (Launches Calculator App)
Notes - Works (Launches Notes App)
Live Search - Doesn't work* (Get error listed below) (Live Search was installed directly from Microsoft to device (Not Storage Card)
Third Slab
QuickDial Screen! - Works but when going into the phone screen, Call history, Contacts, Delete QuickDial screen the top bar that shows the slab you are on (One with the 5 dots and white dot on active slab) never goes away while in the Phone, Call History, Contacts (Also when you go in this app you can't go back to the MacFlo screen because the slide from bottom to top doesn't work so the Window key needs to be pressed go to the Today sceen and then do the slide from bottom to top to get to MacFlo screen)
Fourth Slab - TCPMP - Doesn't work* (Get error listed below) (TCPMP was installed from the EXTRACABS.zip file into the device memory not external storage)
- WMPlayer - Works (Launches Windows Media Player)
- Games Folder - Works (Launches Games Folder)
- My Music Folder - Works (Launches My Music Folder)
- PaintCE - Doesn't work* (Get error listed below) (PaintCE was installed from the EXTRACABS.zip file into the device memory not external storage)
- Programs Folder - Works (Launches Programs Folder)
- Camera - Works (Launches The camera)
- Camcorder - Works (Launches the Video camera)
FifthSlab - You Tube - Works (Launches IE with Youtube Website)
- Orb - Works - (Launches IE with Orb Website)
- PPCGeeks Forum - Works (Launches IE with Youtube Website)
- Engadget - Works (Launches IE with Youtube Website)
- Opera Mobile - Doesn't work* (Get error listed below) (Opera was installed from the EXTRACABS.zip file into the device memory not external storage)
- Comm Manager - Works (Launches IE with Youtube Website)
- My Documents Folder - Works (Launches IE with Youtube Website)
- SD Card Folder - Works (Launches IE with Youtube Website)
* Error given... The file "" cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. If the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring this file
So that is how my testing went. I made sure that when I tested this I did a Hard Reset and returned my Mogul/Titan to manufacture setting (Just to make sure no other apps would conflict).
Hope there is hope and fixes for these bugs..
A hobby is a hobby, but DSS is my HOBBY!!!
I have to second this post, I'm seeing basically the same results, minus the additional apps because I can't get the ExtraCABS.zip to download, keeps saying it's a corrupt archive. Anyway, for the most part it works. One thing I notice is when I do the down to up swipe to launch the MacFlo, I see the HTC Home slide up the screen then it transitions to the MacFlo interface. I don't have HTC Home installed, and just have the basic today screen displayed at this point. What is this? Will it be resolved by installing the HTC Home? Thanks.