Originally Posted by thejinx0r
I don't think it's possible to remove it.
I have the Bell (canadian) version and now I have both the Bell and the Sprint Ahead at boot-up (and I did do the soft-reset before the stuff installs)
So I don't think a modifying a "rom" will actually do anything to it.
actually I believe there is a way to stop the customization.....mrgeoff, shared his registry tweaks OEM, and I believe there was a setting in there that would stop the customization......I had taken out that reg setting, to let the customization run....some ppl wanted the sprint crap.....I am taking the sprint crap out of my new build.....correct me if I'm wrong mrgeoff.
I think it's this one....
Originally Posted by Fierofiend
I'm having a problem with my added words not saving. I tried to add new words by clicking the + sign, multi-tap them in, press enter. If I try to re-enter the same word, it won't show up in the word selection list thing.
Another thing I noticed thats different is if I type in letters using XT9 that aren't in the dictionary, it just erases everything i typed rather than leave random jumble of letters.
Is this due to the HTC keyboard you used??
um, I really don't know because I do not use the touch keyboard, I'm using TouchPal.....I did have 2 keyboard OEM's, touch & vogue, I'm removing the vogue.