I cannot speak for everyone else, but I was never told by a Sprint Rep that MMS was not available when I upgraded. I found out after I left the store, but I also found out a way around it that same day as well. Because I had been with Sprint for a while prior to me switching to a PPC, I was on a grandfathered plan which is cheaper than some current plans. The reps told me that it would be better to keep my plan than to upgrade as it would end up costing me less if I stuck with my plan than if I upgraded to current data plans. It isn't about the money for me, but at the same time, I can't understand how a company can knowingly charge someone for something they know isn't available and try to justify it. I am sure that a class action lawsuit could make Sprint change their stance on this, but it isn't worth the time or effort to go through with it. If they don't change this by the time my current contract is up(due to adding a line), they will lose me as a customer.