Originally Posted by The Sapient
Can you tell me more about getting the rebate after switching lines?? I somewhat simplified my situation in my original post. I don't actually have a line up for renewal. I created a new Sero line a few months ago, activating it with an old phone. Since then I've converted all my Sero lines into a family plan, but I still have the phone upgrade credit that came with that new line. So calling and driving around today, I realize now that I can't go through BB or RS to get my rebate taken care of automatically. And the Sprint store says I need to keep the phone on the one line for 30 days to get my rebate.
But darn it, I'm not letting my 11 year old kid have my new Evo for a month! (But I also want my rebate.) Sorry to pull this forum off topic. Here is some EVO talk. I played with one at Best Buy today, and it is a beautiful BEAUTIFUL device.
If you order it from Sprint online it arrives unactivated. I believe (could be wrong here) that you have to keep it on the line that it is activated on for 30 days. As soon as the phone is delivered just activate it on your line and mail off the mail in rebate.