Originally Posted by rjmjr69
But this is EXACTLY HOW AND WHY they RELOCK and figure out our methods. Is it really that hard or too much to ask for people to return to stock before returning to the store. I guarantee you the people who return phones ROOTED are the first to BITCH about them being RELOCKED or having to PAY A DEV to figure out the NEW method... Wow pure lazyness
Although u make a really good point an u are right on something but honestly i donated an contribute a lot and although that has nothing to do with anything , the dev or any hacker out there that hacks phone an release the software to root or jailbreak a phone, dont u think that the big companys have access to those too... as soon as the 3.1.2 version of the iphone got jailbroke the next week or a week after 3.1.3 came out.. once something is release free on the internet its open to all and im sure big companys have like a special team or a person that finds site like these than report back to there boss. the same for the sprintusers site there so much SPRINT reps that knows about thats website now and moniter it. but out of all respect since im only 20 u are absolutely right i honestly have no excuse why i dont relock the phone just pure lazyness i guess