Originally Posted by s2000gtx
i returned my evo 2 days ago and mine was rooted i didnt like unrooting it and they dont check you apps an ect and i been hackin my phones since the ppc6700 and all my phone have been hack and rooted and when i take them in to sprint for repairs or anything i never once flashed it back to stock i just bing it in as is and i NEVER EVER HAD issue some of the guys are even fasinated at how my phone are and they ask me and i be like i hack them im running a custom rom... only the a-hole one care and might flash u back to stock but for the like 5 or so year since i been doin this and i been through every windows phone and every sprint andriod phone i have never un-rooted or un-hack my phone i bring them in fully hacked and rooted
But this is EXACTLY HOW AND WHY they RELOCK and figure out our methods. Is it really that hard or too much to ask for people to return to stock before returning to the store. I guarantee you the people who return phones ROOTED are the first to BITCH about them being RELOCKED or having to PAY A DEV to figure out the NEW method... Wow pure lazyness