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Old 06-27-2010, 02:46 PM
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Post Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro -- Cricket data connection

So I had stopped pursuing this project after getting my hands on a Droid, but in bringing it over to Cricket I learned a few things that could be applied here. When the flashing process first began and it was rooted and activated, I still didn't have a working connection even though the APN had been configured correctly.

I don't know if the Proxy field within the APN is just for looks or if it actually does something, but data still wasn't working. It seems as if nothing is handling the task of tunneling system-wide traffic through u2nl solves this problem by performing the aforementioned task. You can get it at (it's the the link labeled precompiled arm binary for Droid and other arm based devices ). You'll need to have autostart installed; if you have a Wifi connection you can get it from the market, as well as the Android SDK on your PC. Assuming your working ADB (Android Debugging bridge; make sure it is enabled on your phone) directory is C:/android/tools/, copy u2nl and to C:/android/tools. Do:

adb remount
adb push c:/android/tools/u2nl /system/bin/u2nl
adb push c:/android/tools/ /data/opt/
adb shell
chmod 0755 /system/bin/u2nl
chmod 0755 /data/opt/

The /'s in the paths beginning with C: (Windows' paths) should be changed to backslashes. The Droid keyboard does not have them, so I had to use forward slashes (/) for Windows paths instead. adb commands WILL NOT work unless switched.

I haven't tested this, as my Touch Pro is no longer active, but in theory it should work. Maybe it's time to pull that Pro out of the box again..

Forgot to mention that this was all gathered from in the PDA section, a post by SyZtyM.

HTC Touch Pro CDMA (RAPH800) on Cricket
Silence Rho 3.2 Lite ROM (Windows Mobile 6.1)
XDAndroid 2.1 (Eclair) via HaRET

Last edited by 209pcs; 07-03-2010 at 06:00 PM. Reason: Giving credit where credit is due
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