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Old 06-26-2010, 06:18 PM
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EVO Sync/Charge cradle with Bluetooth charger too!

Pictures! [last 7]

Anyways, I made it. Took an old phone [since I am a fiber optic phone installer] and started modding. I used a motorola H620 bluetooth to mod the handset. It is pretty well done, I liked the volume control it had, was also a good place for the on/off button. It charges through the old port for the cord, I moved the cord to another hole I drilled, and cut it with a weed whacker... make it more insane... Once that was done, I gutted the phone, which was missing the button pad and trim around it, and put in a 7 port usb hub. That made it easy to charge them both, and sync the phone. It needs a bit more work, but it only cost about $10 to make, and the phone fits in with the case still on it.
Rockin' the EVO! Check out my Mods so far!
Using Myn's Warm TwoPointTwo

Ask me about cutting Vinyl Stickers in a PM!
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