Originally Posted by Wesley762
Show me Native support for Exchange on Android, Oh wait its not there.
Show me Native support for Microsoft Office for Android, Oh wait it's not there.
Show Me How you can install apps without a Marketplace on Android, Oh wait you can't (without Modding your Device) and that would not be installed in the OS. I Enjoy the fact that I have choices where I get my software and I don't have big brother tracking what I use and someone Making the choice whether or not the App is ok.
I can go on and on all day long saying android sucks and WM rules, but you know what? I am not, I like both OS's and again I don't know how many times I have to keep saying this but both have there perk's and there flaws. if you can't handle someone debunking you than find some other website to troll on where they are going to let you.
more robust exchange support will come with froyo.
of course as you said office isnt there but if we polled this forum on whether or not they use office mobile i would bet money that 75% would say no. now i use it exstensivly which is why docs to go was the first app i purchased. htc has quick office as well that comes preloaded you can only view however no editing.
as far as installing apps not from the market, not sure where you got your info but that is completly false. its a simple thing to allow in the settings, takes 2 seconds. the only carrier i know that doesnt allow that without rooting is at&t, guess why lol.
i use both os's daily and at the end of the day both have their good and bad, really comes down to each users specific needs. at this point in time i would call them about even, but remember android is coming up on 2 yrs and how long has winmo been out....?