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Old 06-26-2010, 02:33 PM
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Re: [ROM] [06-18-10] MR.X Sense 2.5_2013 [Build 21903.5.0.92]

Man, I feel obligated to come back to the TP2 Mr. X thread even though I just switched to the Evo a week ago after a long debate with myself, I feel like I want to download the new ROM for old times sake...LOL
HTC and WinMo should give Mr. X and some of the the other Top Chefs some kind of compensation for helping keep the power users interested in Windows Mobile for so long. I feel like my donations were more than worth it. I will keep my Mr. X and Mighty Signature for sentimental purposes while I am in the Evo forum. The whole WinPhone 7 information pushed me off the PPC cliff.
MIGHTY and MR. X ROMs Gadget History:
Motorola Photon, EVO 3D, EVO, Touch Pro 2, Touch Pro, Mogul,Treo700p,650p,600p,300p,Kyocera 6035, Handspring Visor Platinum+Samsung 8500,Handspring Visor+Startac Nokia-1999,Motorola-1996
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