Originally Posted by jnuts5423
i couldnt agree more myself. im saddened by the new specs of wp7. there goin droid like. from what i know, (and i dont own a droid, so correct me if im wrong) you cant install apps from a storage card. thats a huge thumbs down for me. i can take my sd card and pop it into any wm phone and go to work. or i can email cabs, save them, and then install them. no dioing that with a drroid. and i havent seen any different stlye UI's yet. they all look the same. and the task killer option is a joke. why wouldnt they put a task manager into the device. seems like a no-brainer to me. i got to download something to close my apps.
with saying that, the processor is smokin. camera is phenominal. hd video comin in the droid x is very hot. and its got a tv out option for your recorded videos. sorry no other option can be viewed. no youtube on the tv. but still. i can see both sidees. but im stickin with my pro. the 3.2 mp camera is fine for me. the half size processor does the trick for me. and ill keep my pop up keyboard. thats my two sense. get it sense. LMAO!
Android allows you to install apps from a storage card. Android has a ridiculous number of UI's. The task killer option? There are dozens of different task killers to choose from.
So basically all of your negatives on android were mistaken, except that yes there is no task killer built into the core android OS iteself, just like there is no task killer built into the core windows mobile OS itself. Third parties add their own.